Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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BASIC Source File
127 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "MSortRecursive"
Option Explicit
' Recursive QuickSort algorithm
Sub SortArrayRec(aTarget() As Variant, _
Optional vFirst As Variant, Optional vLast As Variant, _
Optional helper As ISortHelper)
Dim iFirst As Long, iLast As Long
If IsMissing(vFirst) Then iFirst = LBound(aTarget) Else iFirst = vFirst
If IsMissing(vLast) Then iLast = UBound(aTarget) Else iLast = vLast
If helper Is Nothing Then Set helper = New CSortHelper
With helper
If iFirst < iLast Then
' Only two elements in this subdivision; exchange if
' they are out of order, and end recursive calls
If iLast - iFirst = 1 Then
If .Compare(aTarget(iFirst), aTarget(iLast)) > 0 Then
.Swap aTarget(iFirst), aTarget(iLast)
End If
Dim iLo As Long, iHi As Long
' Pick pivot element at random and move to end
.Swap aTarget(iLast), aTarget(Random(iFirst, iLast))
iLo = iFirst: iHi = iLast
' Move in from both sides toward pivot element
Do While (iLo < iHi) And _
.Compare(aTarget(iLo), aTarget(iLast)) <= 0
iLo = iLo + 1
Do While (iHi > iLo) And _
.Compare(aTarget(iHi), aTarget(iLast)) >= 0
iHi = iHi - 1
' If you haven't reached pivot element, it means
' that two elements on either side are out of
' order, so swap them
If iLo < iHi Then .Swap aTarget(iLo), aTarget(iHi)
Loop While iLo < iHi
' Move pivot element back to its proper place
.Swap aTarget(iLo), aTarget(iLast)
' Recursively call SortArrayRec (pass smaller
' subdivision first to use less stack space)
If (iLo - iFirst) < (iLast - iLo) Then
SortArrayRec aTarget(), iFirst, iLo - 1, helper
SortArrayRec aTarget(), iLo + 1, iLast, helper
SortArrayRec aTarget(), iLo + 1, iLast, helper
SortArrayRec aTarget(), iFirst, iLo - 1, helper
End If
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
' Recursive QuickSort algorithm
Sub SortCollectionRec(nTarget As Collection, _
Optional vFirst As Variant, _
Optional vLast As Variant, _
Optional helper As ISortHelper)
Dim iFirst As Long, iLast As Long
If IsMissing(vFirst) Then iFirst = 1 Else iFirst = vFirst
If IsMissing(vLast) Then iLast = nTarget.Count Else iLast = vLast
If helper Is Nothing Then Set helper = New CSortHelper
With helper
If iFirst < iLast Then
' Only two elements in this subdivision; exchange if
' they are out of order, and end recursive calls
If iLast - iFirst = 1 Then
If .Compare(nTarget(iFirst), nTarget(iLast)) > 0 Then
.CollectionSwap nTarget, iFirst, iLast
End If
Dim iLo As Long, iHi As Long
' Pick pivot element at random and move to end
.CollectionSwap nTarget, iLast, Random(iFirst, iLast)
iLo = iFirst: iHi = iLast
' Move in from both sides toward pivot element
Do While (iLo < iHi) And _
.Compare(nTarget(iLo), nTarget(iLast)) <= 0
iLo = iLo + 1
Do While (iHi > iLo) And _
.Compare(nTarget(iHi), nTarget(iLast)) >= 0
iHi = iHi - 1
' If you haven't reached pivot element, it means
' that the two elements on either side are out of
' order, so swap them
If iLo < iHi Then
.CollectionSwap nTarget, iLo, iHi
End If
Loop While iLo < iHi
' Move pivot element back to its proper place
.CollectionSwap nTarget, iLo, iLast
' Recursively call SortCollection (pass smaller
' subdivision first to use less stack space)
If (iLo - iFirst) < (iLast - iLo) Then
SortCollectionRec nTarget, iFirst, iLo - 1, helper
SortCollectionRec nTarget, iLo + 1, iLast, helper
SortCollectionRec nTarget, iLo + 1, iLast, helper
SortCollectionRec nTarget, iFirst, iLo - 1, helper
End If
End If
End If
End With
End Sub